So much fun!
Sorry for having you wait so long for an update, but I've just been so busy these past weeks. I've had something planned almost every day. And when I haven't done something I've really been too tired to write on the blog. But here I go..
So what have I been up too since the last time? I've been on a tour to Niagara Falls Canada, which was really awesome! The busride there took about 9 hours or something so yes that was not the best part of the trip, but I enjoyed going outside the city and se some grass areas, instead of all buildings. It was also fun going on the bus, cause I don't get to go on the road very often here. Miss driving the car a lot!
So we arrived in Canada Friday evening and my friends and I checked in at the hotel before we went out for dinner and then watched the iluminations show and the fireworks over the falls. It was really nice! Then we checked out the area called Clinton Hill that's just besides the falls and kind of reminds me about Disney Land or Universal Studios, with all the crazy stores and attractions. We ended up at a karaoke bar and after a drink we decided we should try it out and we wrote a note with the song and our names. But after waiting for a long time to be called up we gave up and went back to the hotel. We think the owner didn't like our choice of song or from what it seemed he only chose people that he knew because the same people sang almost all the time.

Hmm.. ingen karaoke
Saturday we started the day off with The Maid of the Mist, which is a boat that takes you close to the falls and you get to feel really small when your in the middle of the Horseshoe Falls mist. It was fun and we got pretty wet!
After the boatride we walked on the rainbowbrige back to USA. We had a picnic in the nice park, we enjoyed the view of the falls from this side and we went on the best attraction of the weekend! It is called the Cave of the Winds and it takes you right at the bottom of the Bridal Veil Falls. You take an elevator down behind the falls and then you walk out on to the deck that makes it possible to stand almost right under the falls! It was such an awesome feeling! You could really feel the power the falls have and you get soaking wet by the icecold water. It was amazing! So happy I got to experince it!

Back in Canada we went to see a 4D movie about the falls. It was interestning and fun to see and feel how it all started from the ice age til now.
Before going out for the evening we spent some time in the pool and jacuzzi at the hotel. It was nice after all that walking we'd done during the day! This evening we went to a place with a really nice outdoor dining and had a really good supper. It was really fun time just relaxing with the girls and talking. After dinner three of us decided to go out to on of the dance places and ended up dancing there until closing time. The place was really cool, good music and fun people!
The last day after breakfast at the place beside the hotel, we got on the buses and started the 9 hour journey back to the city. Came back in the evening, exhausted even though I'd been sleeping on the bus!
Following pictures is borrowed from Emelie Parsäter

Then all work during the week, longer days for me than before because the kids are having summerbreak. But it is all good, my hostfamily are really awesome!
Following weekend it was midsummer. I celebrated midsummer in lower Manhattan with maypole, singing, dancing and swedish meatballs. I also saw my first "celebrity" The Swedish Hollywood Wife Gunilla Pärsson and her daughter Erika that was celebrating as well. It was so funny walking around hearing people speak swedish everywhere, it didn't feel like I was in New York anymore and I really got midsummer feelings! It was fun but also made me miss Sweden and my family a bit, but I was okay, it was nice to get to feel swedish if only for an afternoon.

Midsummer in Battery Park
Friday evening the plan was to go to a nightclub with midsummer theme, but my friend Johanna were not able to come in to the city because of troubles on the trains and I didn't feel like going on my own I ended up in Williamsburg at a bar with Claudia and her friends. It was my first time in that neighbourhood and I liked it!
Saturday my swedish friends that I learned to know from the Niagara Falls class went to the hairdresser, and got our self some new looks and some of us a bit of spa and massage. For me I ended up doing a ceratin cure because my hair was so damaged from the sun and then I just had the bad parts cut off. So now my hair feel much more healthier than it did before, but it doesn't look any different from before.


In the afternoon we went to Brooklyn, just walked around and ended up at a movie festival that was in Prospect Park. We had actually thought about going out but we realized everybody was more interesting of a movienight in the park, than a night at the club, which we could do another weekend anyway, so then we decided to get some food and have a picnic and watch movies instead. It was a really good choice I must say! It was very cozy having a picnic in the evening watching movies under the open sky.

The park during the day, it was all filled up in the evening
Sunday I worked a little and hanged out with Priscilla.
Then work during the week, Went to the pool with the kids when they finally opened, like it hasn't been warm enough to go for a swim all june? New Yorkers...
And finally, last weekend I did some shopping, bought a sunhat and new sunglasses. I got a really bad burn when we went to the pool, not fun! But now I'm covered up almost all time! Went to Williamsburg again on Friday, ended up in Lower Manhattan listening to live music and playing beer pong! Important for you to know is that Celeste and I won because apparently I have hidden talents in this kind of sport! ;) Saturday evening Pri and I had dinner at a restaurant and then went to the park and listened to a concert! It was really nice!

Yesterday was 4th of July and I didn't have to work! We had a BBQ in the garden and in the evening we went to see the fireworks! It was really nice!